Photography Types: Which Photography Style is Right for You?

Have you not yet found the right type of photography you would like to indulge yourself in? Well, if yes then you’ll probably uncover your own unique photography style at the end of this article. 

Expanding your skill sets by evaluating photography styles of different types can help you find the one that can work great for you.

Which Photography Style is Right for You?

When talking about photography style, it is a signature look that you create for your images. It is basically your way of seeing the world through the lens of a camera. Meaning, how you look at the world would differ completely from that of others. For instance, elements of a particular scene can fascinate you in a way that you would love to capture the moment straight away while others may not even notice it. Looking to make image smaller for free? Check out this helpful tool for resizing your photos effortlessly

Your view for a specific place/scene/person/object would depend on your likes and dislikes and that the same will reflect on the photos you capture. 

Your unique vision towards the world thought process, and interpretation will determine what you would rather choose to snap.

Before venturing to find what’s best for you, every photographer should ask himself these two questions before making an attempt to choose a photography style: Why should I capture this particular scene? What motivates me to capture this scene? 

As for the types of photography styles, there are plenty of them to choose from. Down below are mentioned different types of photography styles that you should look upon for building robust skill sets.

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Types Of Photography

Well, holding onto a particular photography style is the most challenging decision a photographer ever makes. That one decision can affect your whole photography career immensely, however, as long as you’re happy with what you’re doing, nothing should bother you. 

Here is the list of 20 best photography styles you can opt to pursue as a professional photographer:

1. Portrait Photography

Which Photography Style is Right for You

Portrait photography involves capturing the intrinsic character of your subject. With the right kind of expression, photography can result in an incredible photograph. You can master the photography using the correct camera settings, compositions, angles, and backdrops.

2. Landscape photography

Landscape photography is among the most popular and rewarding genres of photography. Here, you get to explore nature to its best. The photoshoot involves capturing the scenes of nature. As it is said, you can never go wrong with nature and its activity. 

3. Aerial Photography

Which Photography Style is Right for You

Some photos appear good when taken from a farther distance. Sometimes a photo captured in a distance covers a lot of things in a single view. Drones are robust gadgets that have already made their way into the photography world. 

4. Wildlife photography

Wildlife photography is simply amazing, you get to explore the wildlife and learn about new creatures almost every other day. Wildlife photographers are usually hired by scientists to help them in their research work.

5. Food photography

Which Photography Style is Right for You

Well, when you’re about to order in a restaurant, you’ll probably choose a food item that looks more delicious. A photoshoot for food subjects is usually conducted indoors. A keen food photographer will always make dishes noticeable. 

6. Fashion photography

Fashion photography is something every photographer wishes to become. Here you can capture beautiful models and supermodels and as most of the shoot sessions are conducted outdoors, you will be exploring a lot of impressive places. 

7. Product photography

Which Photography Style is Right for You

Product photography is everywhere and is probably one of the best specializations of current times. Every product you buy has to be photographed, meaning there are great chances that you can make a fruitful career out of this photography style. The photoshoot for this particular photography is held in studios with control of backgrounds, shadows, and lighting. 

8. Black and white photography

Which Photography Style is Right for You

This one is quite difficult to master as here you will be dealing with photos in black and white. You will be using different tones of gray from white to dark and creating compelling stills. Well, opt for this particular genre only if you are fascinated by Black and white photography as not every subject needs to be captured in shades of gray.  

9. Lifestyle photography

Just as the name says, Lifestyle photography will involve photographers to capture instances of life. The resulting photos should be interesting and should tell why that particular photo is special. 

10. Astrophotography

Which Photography Style is Right for You

Astrophotography is the photography style in which you record objects in the night sky including stars, moon, even satellites, and planets if you have a telescope.  

11. Family photography

Here you’ll be capturing a lot of genetically related individuals. A family picture is indeed a fleeting moment and photographers for capturing the same are in great demand.  

12. Pet photography

Which Photography Style is Right for You

Pet photography is an evolving field of photography that holds great demand in the future. If you love playing with animals, you should look no further than this genre. The shoot sessions are usually conducted outdoors and that it’s fun to be with animals. 

13. Travel photography

This photography genre is for all those who love to travel. The element of joy doubles up when you get the chance of converting your passion into a source of earning. On your trip, you can capture interesting moments with your camera, be it the ice fields of an extremely cold place or a serene beach, you can capture it all.

14. Street photography

Capturing everyday moments on the streets is what you will deal with in this photography genre. It can be performed candidly, however in some cases you may have to ask for permission from your subject. This type of photography is fun as you’ll get to meet interesting characters on your way. 

15. Maternity photography

Which Photography Style is Right for You

Capturing a mothers’ special bond with her unborn baby is a wonder in itself. It’s a memorable photoshoot for every parent as it’s going to remind them of how beautiful the journey is between a mother and a child. The popularity of this kind of photoshoot is increasing tremendously. 

16. Newborn photography

Newborn photography involves the capturing of newborn babies, your main priority should be the subject itself and nothing else. You can always use some props to make the photoshoot even more fun. 

17. Wedding photography

Which Photography Style is Right for You

Literally, everyone hires a professional photographer for their wedding, and that it’s a great photography style one can opt for. You have to be real quick as in some situations you’ll have to capture the moment in the first take itself. Communicate with the bride and groom well, as they may expect some poses from you. 

18. Architectural Photography

Someone who enjoys capturing architectural structures would love to opt for this photography. You can work as a freelancer or work under an architectural agency and capture intricate details including the exterior and interiors building’s design.

19. Still Life Photography

Still, life focuses on capturing inanimate objects that you usually see in your everyday life. You’ll have to experiment with the lighting and compositions and make the subject look interesting. The objects can be anything from vases, food, rocks, shells to plants. Still, life photography is an ideal way of showcasing your photography skills. 

20. Sports Photography

Which Photography Style is Right for You

Being a sports photographer is great fun, you get to capture those quick moments of action, and capturing the winning shot gives a joyous feeling in itself. The photos you capture will either end up in newspapers, magazines or will rotate on social media platforms.

Finding Your Favorite Photography Style

Nothing can be discovered or found overnight and the same goes for photography style. You’ll have to analyze each and every aspect of photography style, what suits you best, what you’ll love to capture to come to a conclusion. In the end, it all depends on how passionate you are about a particular photography style, follow that inner voice of yours and you’ll experience wonderful results out of your photography career. 

These are some of the factors that can ease the task of finding the right type of photography style for you: 

  • Compose your scene
  • Match your style with that scene
  • Develop a personal style
  • Analyze your photography style
  • Review your own work


Which type of photography is most demanded?

Portrait photography is one of the most demanded styles of photography. 

What type of photographer makes the most money?

Every passionate photographer can make a decent amount of money annually.  

Which is the best field in photography?

All the fields mentioned above are some of the best photography styles one can undertake to make a promising career. 


This was all for the guide of photography style. The process of choosing a career is quite difficult as you’re supposed to consider all the pros and cons before making a decision. Choose a photography style that would love to work with every day. A good photographer has to be passionate as only then he would be able to capture exemplary stills. 

So which one of the following photography styles would you love to master? Tell us in the comment section below. 

I am a thorough nerd who completely indulges into books when handed one, unless it is a hard-boiled fiction. Apart from reading and surfing shows on Netflix, I love to vent my emotions out through writings.