On August 12, 2022, Hadi Matar – a 24-year-old man, stabbed renowned novelist Salman Rushdie multiple times when he was all set to give a public lecture at the Chautauqua Institution in the United States. However, he was arrested at the scene and was charged the following day with assault and attempted murder.
The world poured support for his recovery, and he continues to recover from “life-changing injuries,” as his son calls it.
JK Rowling, too, came in support of Rushdie when she tweeted screenshots of a message stating: “Don’t worry, you are next.” The threat messages were sent from the same Twitter account that had praised the man who stabbed Mr. Rushdie.
The Scotland police have dropped the investigation as the threat was made outside the UK, and there would be “no further action at this time.”

“Following a report made to Police regarding an online threat, inquiries have been carried out into this matter, and it has been established that it was made outwith the UK. “Enquiries are now complete, and there is no further police action at this time,” said a Scotland Police spokesperson.
Following the threat on August 13, she tweeted: “To all sending supportive messages. Thank you. Police are involved (were already involved on other threats).”
The tweet, made from an account in Pakistan, was later withdrawn.
The Police had earlier investigated online criticism directed at Rowling over her views on transgender issues.
The 75-year-old novelist met years of death threats for his novel ‘The Satanic Verses.’ For some Muslims, it is blasphemous.
Hadi Matar stabbed Rushdie at least ten times in the face, neck, and abdomen. He pleaded not guilty to attempted murder. It is also reported that the attacker read ‘only read two pages of Satanic Verses.’